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Future of Exploration: Closing Remarks

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DAVA J. NEWMAN: I want to thank all of you in the audience. It's just really our pleasure to host this symposium. The future is sitting right here. Want to thank the speakers and participants. If you could stand up, speakers, I really want to say that you really put this together with me, and you deserve our applause.


Keep standing. And now I want all the students to stand up. If all the students could stand up, because this symposium's for you. You're definitely our future of exploration. Or younger folks, like we did yesterday.


DAVID: Good job, Dava.

DAVA J. NEWMAN: Thanks David, you too! David's running [INAUDIBLE].


The last thing I want to say, [? because ?] [? this-- ?] I hope that you're also lucky, graduate students, undergraduates, and I think you will be to go to grad school and find such a special friend as Peter and Mike and that shaped my career. So, thanks to everyone. A couple things I learned-- break the rules. MIT is a place that doesn't say no, I think that's why we love it. I think that's why we're all here. We just need to say yes and go forward, and we look forward to creating the future of exploration by ocean, air, earth, and space with with all of you. Thanks so much.