Scott Ritter, "Cause for War? Assessing the Bush Administration's Case Against Iraq” - MIT Technology and Culture Forum

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MCCREATH: Good evening. My name is Amy McCreath. I'm the coordinator of the Technology and Culture Forum at MIT, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to this very special event this evening. As someone remarked when they were arriving tonight, this is an unfortunately timely event. And I'm glad that the Technology and Culture Forum is able to present it to you this evening.

I'd like to thank our co-sponsors for this event, without whom we could not have put this together. They are the Science, Technology and Society Program at MIT, the Department of Political Science at MIT, and the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.

I also want to thank a few students who came to us in late August and put a bee in our bonnet and said, you have to do something on this topic. And they were right. And they are Julia Steinberger, Stephanie Wang, and Eric Downs. So thank you to you.


I also want to draw your attention to the fact that, next week, the Technology and Culture Forum begins two series of forums that will continue throughout the fall. One is on the politics and technology of motherhood, and the other is on energy, the environment, and global politics. And you can find out more about both of those series by going to our website. And the website is listed right behind me.

Our focus at the Technology and Culture Forum is on addressing the critical issues of our day. And I think that you will agree with me that the issue that we'll be addressing this evening is the critical issue of our day. Simply a glance at the newspapers in the last few weeks has made it clear that the critical question before not just our nation but the whole world is do we have cause for war against Iraq. And that's going to be our focus tonight, taking a look at that question.

Our format is that we have a moderator, who will begin the evening by giving us an overview of the question and the situation at hand. And then he will introduce the two speakers, both of whom will offer their remarks. And following that, we hope to have plenty of time for questions from you. And we hope that you will feel free to ask your questions. We'll probably have some mics that we can bring up the aisles to get people's questions so that you can be heard.

And I'm very glad to be able to introduce our moderator to you. He is Kenneth Oye. Ken is an associate professor of political science at MIT, working in the fields of American foreign policy, international political economy, international relations theory, and technology policy. A former director of the Center for International Studies at MIT, he has also served on the faculties of Harvard University, the University of California, Princeton University, and Swarthmore College. And he has been a guest scholar at the Brookings Institute.

He has edited and contributed to a series of four volumes on US foreign policy-- Eagle in a New World-- American Grand Strategy in the Post-Cold War Era, Eagle Resurgent-- The Reagan Era and US Foreign Policy, Eagle Defiant-- US Foreign Policy in the 1980s, and Eagle Entangled-- US Foreign Policy in a Complex World. So I'm very happy to hand this event over to Ken Oye.

OYE: Thank you very much.


Our topic tonight is cause for war, assessing the Bush administration's case against Iraq. It's a difficult task that we have before us, both to lay out the elements of the Bush administration's case and to then probe and assess point by point some of the key assumptions, some of the logic behind their strategy. We're very fortunate indeed to have Scott Ritter and Steve Walt to help us in this task. And I'd like to first ask you to join me in welcoming them to MIT.


They have unusual attributes or skills that they bring to this enterprise. As most of you know, Scott was the Chief Inspector on Iraq. Between 1991 and 1998, he spent how many trips to Iraq?

RITTER: Over 50.

OYE: Over 50 trips going back and forth, assessing and evaluating weapons capabilities, the status of weapons of mass destruction. I should also note that he probably has had more firsthand experience dealing with Saddam Hussein than any and all people in this room, indeed probably most of the administration added up together. And these attributes and skills cause him to be an extremely useful asset as we probe these issues this evening.

Now, Steve Walt, of course, comes out of the world of the academy. And you might assume that that would not prepare him to adequately assess or evaluate the difficult and controversial and dangerous topics that we have in front of us. But I should note that, in addition to writing-- and he has a wonderful book on the origins of alliances and on revolutionary regimes and war that we'll turn to in a second-- but his real qualification for this is that Steve is a new academic dean at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

And anyone that can survive the interplay of conflicting forces when you look to students and faculty and central administration in that setting is probably as skilled and as adept at dealing with problems like these as anyone in the world. So I think you're both equally qualified for the task tonight.


Although I'm not sure whose job is the more dangerous.


WALT: I am.

OYE: Now let's move into a quick review of the issues. And I don't want to take too much time on this, because we obviously want to allow time for our speakers. But to set the stage for this, let's go back a few years. If you go back to 1998, at the time when Scott was last in Iraq conducting inspections, one set of issues or concerns is what did you know then, and how did you know it, with reference to weapons of mass destruction, biological, chemical, and nuclear capabilities. And even more critically and centrally, from your experiences as an inspector at that time, what can you now tell us about the current status of Iraqi biological, chemical, and nuclear systems.

This is now four years after the inspections stopped. And the questions at hand here-- and they're central to the Bush administration's case against Iraq-- are with reference to chemical. To what extent, in those intervening years, have the Iraqis managed to put together either a small or a large chemical weapons capability, with reference to mustard gas, tabun, sarin, VX? And they obviously have the capacity to produce. To what extent, in the absence of inspections, is there reason to be concerned, and in what quantities?

With reference to biological, there are plenty of dual-use systems that can and are oftentimes used for the production of biological agents, something as simple as fermentation and on through the various laboratories that one could find perhaps on the MIT campus. Certainly on the MIT campus. And the question here is, again, given what was going on way back in 1998 and the capabilities that they probably have had in the interim period, to what extent have they been able to, or do you believe that it's possible that they have developed stabilized and weaponized strains of biological agents.

With reference to nuclear, it's been a few years. There's a pretty rigorous regime in place externally, but the issue of the extent to which, through black market means, 20 to 30 kilograms of highly enriched uranium could have been obtained, or whether centrifuge technologies could have been used, or other technologies used to separate and create fissile materials for weapons programs at home, whether those are, in your view, likely or unlikely, possible or impossible. And if fissile materials are available, to what extent is Iraq capable of fashioning them into an implosion or gun device.

Now, these technical issues-- and they're largely technical issues-- based in part on assessment of the status of Iraqi economic and technical infrastructure, as well as the credibility of external efforts to limit access to critical sources of supply, are obviously only part of the picture. The technical concerns start us in our evening, but obviously it doesn't take us to all the answers.

There's also the issue of what capabilities are-- and when I say tolerable, I don't mean tolerable in the sense of being welcomed, but tolerable in the sense of producing or yielding significant security threats. Zero is a very hard number to defend or justify when you're talking about biological and chemical. And in current context, with an administration that has been focusing oftentimes on terrorism and unconventional threats, to what extent are relatively small quantities of chemical or biological agents something for the United States to fear?

Now, a second big question-- and it's an extremely large question-- centers on the issue of inspections. The alternative-- or one alternative, I should say-- to going to war is to turn to and rely on an updated or modified version of the inspection regime that Scott was part and parcel of back in 1998. And the question, simply put, is how effective will inspection, or would inspection be, with what levels of cooperation on the part of two presidents that may not be entirely enthusiastic about inspections?

Saddam Hussein was not entirely cooperative during your last vacation periods in Iraq, and I daresay that George Bush is not wildly optimistic or enthusiastic about inspections. And this matters, and it matters because the character and the quality of intelligence provided by the US administration might be useful, or critical, in terms of conducting inspections in an effective way. So a second issue, to Scott and to Steve, is really the extent to which inspections present a viable means of addressing and improving US national security.

A third set of issues and concerns really would focus on economic and political instruments. And this is something that isn't much discussed in current context, but we have out there in the real world a variety of programs, some of which are underfunded and neglected, that are designed to try to advance American security not through military means, but through other channels. Nunn-Lugar, for example, is a program that aims at purchasing, buying up, securing black market uranium and plutonium, and thereby limiting access to fissile materials.

There is a sanctions regime in effect. And here, I'm not talking about sanctions against Iraqi water chlorination equipment, but limitations on access to critical military technologies. And so one set of issues or concerns would be the extent to which economic and political instruments might, particularly taken in conjunction with inspection, produce a viable path to limiting or eliminating Iraqi capabilities.

Finally, we turn to the administration's chosen instrument, preventive war and regime change. And let's sit back and examine and talk about this. Let's talk about it and analyze it in terms of upside and downside. What is the best case that they're advancing to us that we hear day after day and week after week, but also what are the downside risks associated with turning, in relatively short order, to a military option? What are the risks to American troops? What are the risk to Israel of potential attack if, in fact, we succeed in pushing Iraq to the wall? What would the Israeli response likely be if they were attacked with chemical or biological agents?

And what are the risks to us of potential terrorist use of small quantities of weapons, in the event that the situation spins out and people's backs are pushed to the wall? Are we talking here potentially about the threat of terrorist use of biological agents as a self-fulfilling prophecy, where the actions that are undertaken by the administration yield the result that they most dread?

And finally, to look beyond the Middle East, to look to the broader structure of American foreign policy, to what extent is this new doctrine of preventive war, which has been advanced with such fervor by the administration, something which is disturbing in terms of the precedents that it sets for US foreign policy? Had we adopted or acted on these precepts or principles toward China, for example, we would have probably launched, or wiped out, elements of China back in the '60s. India might well have destroyed Pakistan. But some discussion, systematic discussion, of what happens. Should preventive war become our doctrine and become accepted as a principle in international relations? Where does that take us?

Again, we're fortunate that we have both Scott, with his experience in inspection, and Steve, with his extensive writings on alliance politics, a key issue in terms of the responses, and on radical and revolutionary regimes, with insights into Iraq, as our panelists this evening. Scott, why don't we begin with you. And we'll go, again, for about 20 to 25 minutes with each, and we'll go for questions and answers afterward.

RITTER: I guess out of a-- not out of any sense of superior, I've been told I need to speak from the podium.

OYE: Well, while you're moving to the podium, if you wish to follow up on this between 10:00 and 11:00 tomorrow, Scott will be appearing on The Connection on WBUR. We should probably make arrangements for Tom and Ray on Car Talk to conduct the interview.


WALT: Different kind of inspection.


RITTER: Well first of all, I want to say just how appreciative I am to have the opportunity to be here tonight to speak with you because, as it's all too obvious, we truly live in a very dangerous time, where we are speaking about our country going to war. And you've outlined some extremely important issues that need to be addressed. Let me start off by explaining where I'm coming from as I talk about this.

If you check out my resume, you aren't going to find nuclear physicist, biologist, chemist, or rocket scientist anywhere in that resume. So I seem to be the most unlikely of people to sit here and talk to you today about the technologies of weapons of mass destruction. What you will find is intelligence officer, operator, leader, Marine. That's my perspective. My perspective was going into Iraq and doing a task.

I viewed myself as someone sort like a beat cop, out there on the street implementing and enforcing the law. And this is an important concept, because I think it's going to underscore everything I'm going to talk about tonight, and how I answer every one of your questions that you put forward. Law. Law. Why do we do what we do? Why was I in Iraq to begin with? Because the Security Council passed a resolution saying Iraq can't have weapons of mass destruction. That's why.

Now, what gives the Security Council the authority to pass that resolution? The United Nations charter, of which the United States of America is a signatory. And what makes the United Nations charter so important to us as Americans? Because it's an agreement that we've entered to as a nation, and our Constitution says that, when we enter into an international agreement, into treaties, those agreements carry the force of law here in America.

So I'm coming down to the basic issue here that underscores everything I'm going to talk about-- the Constitution of the United States of America. And it has to play a role in everything we discuss vis-a-vis Iraq. Vis-a-vis Iraq. Now, in 1998, what was the situation? The situation was the international community said Iraq must be disarmed to 100%, that they can have no chemical, biological, nuclear, or long-range ballistic missiles.

Now, by 1998, we had achieved a very advanced degree of disarmament. These aren't my words. These are the words of Rolf Ekéus, the Swedish diplomat who ran the program from 1991 to 1997. He says that, by 1996, Iraq had been fundamentally disarmed, that we had accounted for 95% of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. And this included all the factories that were used to produce weapons of mass destruction, all the associated production equipment, and the vast majority of the product produced.

But the law says 100%. Therefore, fundamental disarmament isn't enough, according to the law. It says 100%, and we have to force that issue. We have to find the unaccounted for material. And that's what I and other inspectors were seeking to do, find out the final disposition of the unaccounted for material.

What was unaccounted for? No weapons factories were unaccounted for, not that we knew of. I mean, you could always throw out the hypothetical of, well, Scott, you say you got them all, but what about the ones you don't know of? That's an important factor. I say we got all the production equipment. Well, Scott, wait a minute, what about the production equipment you didn't know about? That's a good issue. That's a good point.

And I say that we accounted for most of the product produced by these factories, but I just acknowledged there could be factories and production equipment that we didn't know about, so what about the product they produced that you don't know about? Good point. All good points. Now we come to one of the issues talked about. How good are inspections?

How good are the inspections? Especially when you are confronted with the situation that we ran into in Iraq, where the Iraqis made a decision from the very beginning to lie about their weapons capabilities, to fail to declare entire nuclear programs, biological programs, under-declare their chemical programs, under-declare their ballistic missile programs. It made the task of disarming Iraq, already a difficult task from just a basic scientific and technical perspective, extremely difficult, because now we had to go into a nation which was not cooperative, and which was we had to conduct operations in a hostile environment.

And again, this would seem to degrade confidence in what we were able to achieve. But as I told you, I'm not a physicist, a biologist, chemist, rocket scientist. I'm an intelligence officer, and I'm a Marine. And I love challenges like that. And I'll tell you what, all the inspectors that work for the Special Commission, we love challenges like that, too. Our job was to implement the law, to hold Iraq fully accountable to the rule of law as set forth by the Security Council. And that meant that we were going to find out what these capabilities were regardless of Iraq's obstruction. And we prosecuted the case in that manner.

Now, I need to stay right up front that myself and the other inspectors prosecuted the case against Iraq not only in terms of holding Iraq accountable to the law, but ensuring that we ourselves did not deviate from the rule of law in doing our job. I should underscore from the very start that our mission in Iraq revolved around disarming Iraq's chemical, biological, nuclear, and long-range ballistic missile capabilities. That's what the law said, resolution 687.

The law also said that economic sanctions imposed on Iraq in August 1990 when they invaded Kuwait, and continued through resolution 687 in April 1991, were linked to-- the lifting of which were linked to Iraq's compliance with its obligation to disarm, that if Iraq was found to be in compliance, these sanctions would be lifted. That's the law. You will not find any law, in terms of a Security Council resolution, that talks about regime removal. You simply will not.

Furthermore, you will find that the concept of regime removal is in itself a violation of international law as set forth by the United Nations charter, which clearly states that no nation has the right to pick the leadership of a sovereign state. That is the sole prerogative of that nation. Regime removal is not part of these resolutions. And yet, from the very beginning, as this beat cop out there doing my job in trying to hold Iraq accountable for the law, our process of investigation was corrupted by the fact that the United States had a policy of regime removal in place from the very beginning.

The United States, a member of the Security Council who passed this resolution, went on record through their then Secretary of State, James Baker, in 1991, who said, even if Iraq complies with its obligation under international law to disarm, economic sanctions will never be lifted until which time Saddam Hussein is removed from power. So from the beginning, we didn't have just obstruction on the part of Iraq, but we had this inherent pollution of the process of investigation imposed by my own country, the United States of America, which said that we don't care what the law says, we're going to hold Iraq accountable to a different standard, a standard that is unilateral in nature, which deviates from the rule of law.

This complicated our process, as well. Imagine me and other inspectors stand before the Iraqis and saying you have to comply, you have to comply. And they said, why? We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. It complicated our task. It complicated the integrity of the process of investigation. But we still did a good job. We broke through the walls of Iraqi deceit. We brought to bear the powers of determination, intelligence, science, and just darn good police work in breaking through and finding out what the Iraqis had.

Let's understand, when we talk about weapons of mass destruction, we're not talking about a magic show. You don't pull a weapon of mass destruction out of thin air like you do a white rabbit out of a black hat at a magic show. It just doesn't work that way. Weapons of mass destruction are a product of science and technology. You don't produce them in a hole in the ground, you don't produce them in a basement. You produce them in an industrial facility. Now, these industrial facilities can be small, they can be big, whatever, but there is science and technology involved.

They have to procure equipment, the Iraqis have to procure equipment. That means there's a trace of this procurement effort. They have to have scientists who work on the equipment. That is also a piece of evidence that can be investigated. What I'm getting at here is that, through the process of a detailed forensic investigation, similar to what a policeman would do at a crime scene, we were very capable of cutting through Iraq's deceit, through their lies.

I'll make a statement of fact. After the summer of 1991, weapons inspections never found a single weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. Never found one. And yet, Scott, you just said you had fundamental disarmament, 95% accountability. We got to where we got in regards to accounting because the Iraqis were compelled to confess, in the same manner that a criminal confesses to a police officer when confronted with overwhelming evidence.

We went to Europe, the nations that sold Iraq this technology. We got the bills of lading, the letters of credit. We got the invoices, and we confronted the Iraqis with these. And they had to confess having capabilities that they had denied having. We confronted them with the inconsistencies in their testimony, when we would interrogate them for hour after hour. We confronted with the inconsistencies until they were compelled to confess. We blanketed Iraq with inspectors equipped with the highest technology, who went forward and collected forensic evidence which was used to confront the Iraqis and compel them to change their story.

In this manner, we got Iraq to admit having a nuclear weapons program, although they said they'd never had one. In this manner, we got Iraq to admit having a biological weapons program, although they said they'd never had one. In this manner, we got Iraq to admit having advanced chemical weapons capability, VX nerve agent, although they said they'd never had one. In this manner, we got Iraq to admit that it had indigenous ballistic missile manufacturing capability, although they said they'd never had one.

Ladies and gentlemen, we did a good job as inspectors. We did a darn good job. Not good enough, though. The law said 100%, and 95% didn't hack it. And at the end of 1998, we were attempting to achieve that final closure on that remaining 5%. But understand what we're talking about here-- unaccounted for material, not retained material. You will not find a single United Nations document pertaining to weapons inspections that says that Iraq retains prohibited capability, or Iraq is known to retain a weapon of mass destruction.

We have documents that say that we cannot account for everything. But because we can't account for it does not automatically translate into retention on the part of Iraq. Big difference. And you mitigate this further when I tell you that, from 1994 to 1998, weapons inspectors in Iraq monitored, with the most intrusive capable on-site inspection regime in the history of arms control, monitored Iraq's industrial infrastructure 24 hours a day, seven days a week with no notice inspections, remote camera, sensors, et cetera. And we never once detected retained prohibited capability or efforts by Iraq to reconstitute.

So we had Iraq pretty much bottled up. There was unaccounted for material, which is of great concern, but we had put an umbrella of monitoring inspections over Iraq, which meant that if they ever tried to do something with this unaccounted material, the likelihood of our detection was quite high. Quite high. And yet, that wasn't good enough.

And the reason why that wasn't good enough, that I come back to the concept of the pollution of the integrity of the process, because the United States didn't care about the disarming of Iraq. The United States cares about the elimination of Saddam Hussein from power, and that the inspection process is only convenient to the United States in so far as it facilitates the containment and destabilization of Saddam Hussein, leading to his removal from power.

But the second the inspection regime starts to come up close to that concept of compliance, it becomes a threat to the United States because compliance means that economic sanctions have to be lifted. Compliance means that containment is broken. Compliance means that Iraq comes back into the fold of the international community with Saddam Hussein still at the helm, which of course is the last thing the United States wants.

So the United States killed the inspection process by using the inspectors to deliberately provoke a crisis that led to the triggering of a military action, Operation Desert Fox, in December 1998, which then went after Saddam Hussein using data collected by the inspectors about the security of Saddam Hussein. We were there to collect data about weapons of mass destruction, not the security of Saddam Hussein.

The American government ordered the inspectors out two days before they began bombing Iraq in December 1998. There's a lot of mythology out there that somehow the Iraqis kicked the inspectors out. Think again. The United States ordered the inspectors out, and Iraq has said the inspectors are not welcome to return. And they haven't been there for four years.

So now comes the question, what has transpired in those four years? I told you there's a lot of concern about unaccounted for capability. Frankly speaking, don't worry about that. For people to point back and talk about Iraq's anthrax capability, and say because we couldn't account for everything in 1991 on they have an anthrax capability today, this is false. Iraq produced liquid bulk anthrax. The factory that produced it was eliminated. And even if they held on to liquid bulk anthrax, within three years it germinates and becomes sludge.

So the only way Iraq could have anthrax today is if it reconstituted a manufacturing base since the time inspectors left, since December 1998. Can they do that? Yes. They have inherent indigenous capability that can be reconfigured to produce small amounts of biological agent. Should we be concerned? Yes. Very concerned.

Chemical weapons. We destroyed the huge Muthanna State Establishment and other chemical facilities that were used to produce chemical weapons. Iraq did not have a capacity in 1998 to produce chemical weapons, thanks to the inspectors. You remove the inspectors, Iraq, in a period of two weeks, can reconstitute a mustard production capability. Iraq, within a period of two months, can reconstitute a sarin and tabun nerve agent production capability. Iraq, within a period of four to six months, can reconstitute a VX nerve agent production capability. Should we be concerned? Yes. Very concerned.

Nuclear weapons, completely different proposition. We eradicated Iraq's ability to enrich uranium. Eradicated it. And for Iraq to reconstitute it would require an investment of time and money and reacquisition of technology that, frankly speaking, cannot be accomplished without detection. That's my assessment. Even if they had acquired this, to actually rebuild it and get it up and functioning again undetected in a manner which would produce highly enriched uranium would take a considerable amount of time. So in terms of an Iraqi nuclear threat and regarding any reacquisition of highly enriched uranium capability, production capability, don't worry about it. Should we be concerned? No. Not at this point in time.

Concerning Iraq's ability to produce a nuclear device minus a fissile core, ladies and gentlemen, they solved that problem. They had that problem solved in 1991, and they have all the means and materials today to build a nuclear device minus the fissile core. So if we're worried about a nuclear weapons capability in Iraq, we should be focused on the concept of fissile material. This is where the Nunn-Lugar issues come up. How could Iraq acquire fissile material? Should we be concerned about it? Absolutely. Absolutely.

Ballistic missiles is another issue. Can Iraq do things to reconstitute a long-range missile force? Yes. Should we be concerned about it? Not too much, because a missile doesn't work unless they test it. And if they test it, we'll find out about it. And to date, no one has detected a test of a long-range ballistic missile. So minimize that concern. But we should be very concerned about a biological, chemical, and nuclear capability in Iraq today. Inspectors haven't been there for four years.

Now the question is, does this concern translate into a cause for war? Do we go to war because we're concerned about Iraq having this capability? I would say to you that, if Iraq continued to refuse to allow inspectors to come in, we would have more reason to be concerned and more reason to consider the prospect of military action to bring to an end this issue of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

But that has all been mooted by the fact that Iraq has recently said we will allow for the unconditional return of inspectors and give them unfettered access. Do I believe they will? No. But it doesn't matter what I believe. They're on the hook. They've committed. And there's not going to be a second chance. This is it. Saddam's used his nine lives.

So now, when I talk about biological weapons, chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons that are of great concern-- and I share this concern-- how do we resolve this issue short of war? And I would put forward that sending inspectors back in, especially given the record of effectiveness that the inspectors had from 1991 to 1998 in disarming Iraq, is the best venue to come to closure on the weapons inspections issues.

We were the best forensic investigators the world has ever seen. If Iraq has done something of a proscribed nature in the four years since inspectors been out, I'll put my reputation on the line to say we'll find it. We'll find trace evidence of it. That they couldn't hide every trace. So let's get inspectors in and give inspectors a chance to do their job, because it does allow us an alternative to war to resolve this issue.

If Saddam Hussein chooses not to cooperate, I think we would be right to presume ill intent, and therefore treat him as a pariah leader at the head of a rogue nation deserving of harsh punishment from the international community. But as someone who wants to prosecute a clean case against a criminal named Saddam Hussein, we cannot prejudge this situation. We must run a clean investigation of Saddam Hussein, and the inspectors are the vehicle, as set forth by international law, to do this. So let the inspectors in. Let them have their chance.

But in addition to Iraq's obligation to disarm, to do what the world community says, to be held accountable to law, we must likewise understand that the previous inspectors had been corrupted. They're bad cops. Can't trust them. Can't trust the inspection process. What are we going to do to ensure that future inspectors don't again deviate off course?

The first thing is to address the issue of regime removal. This American policy of regime removal. What's its legality? What's its viability? How does it damage the issue of arms control? Because if the United States still promotes a policy of regime removal above disarmament, then ladies and gentlemen, I would tell you that the issue isn't Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or any threat coming from their weapons of mass destruction, the issue is rather the ideology behind the concept of regime removal to begin with, an ideology that has been further defined by an American national security strategy document put out last week which talks of unilateralism, American unilateralism.

I would say that Iraq is the case study, the first case study for implementation of this policy of unilateralism. And this has to call into question everything we just talked about, because going to war with Iraq, if it's about the threat posed by Iraq, about the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, then shouldn't we give inspections a chance to resolve that? If we're not willing to give inspections a chance, then why are we talking about going to war? What is the threat posed by Iraq?

These are questions I think have to be asked, have to be addressed, especially when we consider our role as American citizens. And I'll bring up as I close the concept of the Constitution of the United States of America. We are a nation of laws. We are a nation of laws. We the people of the United States cannot sit by while our government implements a policy in our name which operates outside the framework of law. And I'm afraid, right now, in talking about Iraq, that is indeed what the case is. Thank you very much.


WALT: That was terrific. I feel a little bit sheepish or guilty being here, because this event has been co-sponsored by at least two institutions that I've disappointed in my life. The first is MIT, because MIT first admitted me to graduate school and I went to Berkeley instead, and then the political science department offered me a job, and I went to the University of Chicago instead. The other institution is the Episcopal Church, in which I was raised. And let's just say my attendance for the past 27 years hasn't been very high.

OYE: Amy will be taking this up with you shortly.

WALT: Yeah, Amy can take this up with me later. I'm, despite my misgivings, delighted to be here, because I'm delighted to see people taking this issue as seriously as they are. I think nationwide, and especially in Washington, the absence of real debate on what we're up to as a country has been quite striking, despite the importance of this issue. This is not the sort of decision we should make blindly, that we should stumble into, or that we should be led into by a rather small cabal within the administration. And I want to lay out sort of why I think that it's not a good idea as briefly as I can.

Let me start by just making it clear, you know, my biography, or at least where I come from, I am not a pacifist. In the international relations world, I'm regarded as a realist. I think the world is, in fact, a nasty, dangerous place, and that sometimes using military force, even in large quantities, is justified. So in some circumstances, I think it's the right thing to do. But I don't think it's always the right thing to do, always prudent, and always in our best interest, and it should never be used casually or carelessly.

And let me lay out one other introductory point, and then I'll lay out why I think it's not a good idea in this case. The overarching point I want to make to all of us here is basically an argument about humility. I believe, and I'll say why in a moment why I think a war against Iraq is a very bad idea. But we all ought to start by recognizing we could be wrong about this. War itself is inherently uncertain, and it's possible that a military campaign would go very well.

It's possible the cost would be low for us and for Iraqi society. It's possible that, after such a war, Iraq would stabilize rather quickly, a reasonably effective and just regime might emerge. It's possible that that would trigger reform throughout parts of the Arab world. It's possible that the rest of the world would see this display of American principle and power, and then be even more willing to help us fight terrorism or other things. And it's possible, of course, that this would also hasten the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle on fair terms.


I can't be certain that all of those things won't happen. It's also possible-- and I mean this sincerely-- it's possible that not acting now could lead to something very bad. It's possible that he might get, say, a nuclear weapon at some point in the future, and then do very bad things with it. So all of those things are possible. But there's a lot of uncertainty about all of those things I just said, and our task as citizens is to use what we know and use our reason to try and figure out what we regard as most likely, what the alternative courses of action are. Reasonable people may disagree about some of these issues, but we all ought to start by recognizing we could be wrong. We don't know.

All right, now having said that, let me lay out my views on why I think it's a bad idea. The debate here is not about whether Saddam Hussein is an evil man, evil leader, or whether Iraq has defied prior UN resolutions. I thought the president's speech in the United Nations was very convincing on both points. He's a bad guy and he's defied the UN. I'm convinced.

But this is not news. Most governments and most people around the world I think probably share that view. Neither point makes him unique. And the real question, the real question before us is whether going to war with Iraq is the best thing to do right now. In other words, is it in our national interest? Will it leave us better off in the future than we are today? Do we have alternatives that look better? I think we do, so I'm going to give you six big reasons why it's a bad idea.

Reason number one. There is no credible evidence of a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda. There have, in the last 48 hours, been a couple of fresh accusations, one from Donald Rumsfeld and one from Condoleezza Rice, suggesting that, in fact, there is a link, we've got the goods now. The timing of this revelation is somewhat suspect.


And the word that people love to use now is link, right, that there's a link between al-Qaeda and Baghdad. Well, there are links between the United States and every government on the planet. They're called diplomats. They meet all the time, right? Link is a very vague word. What you'd be looking for is deliberate and willful and active cooperation between these two things. And no credible evidence has yet been presented.

I regret to say that governments that want to go to war are often very good at putting things together and fabricating things. And unfortunately, if you look at American history, the American government, Democratic and Republican, are no exceptions there. Governments do lie, or governments convince themselves that they have evidence when they really don't. So no link between Iraq and al-Qaeda. And boy, have they looked for it.

Reason number two. Even if Saddam Hussein had large quantities of weapons of mass destruction, and even if he got a nuclear weapon down the road-- sort of worst case-- he could not use them without triggering massive American or, conceivably, Israeli retaliation. That's why he couldn't use them, as some fear, to intimidate others, or as an umbrella for conventional war. We can defeat any conventional force he could possibly put in the field today. Any threat he might have to escalate, use this handful of weapons he might get would be deterred, of course, by our threat to retaliate. They're still not usable.

And remember, we have a pretty good track record of deterring other murderous tyrants in the past. Joseph Stalin had nuclear weapons. Never did anything with them. People in the United States worried a lot that Mao Tse-tung, a mass murderer, was going to get nuclear weapons. And we even contemplated preventive war in the 1950s and the 1960s worrying about both of those. It turned out that both of those tyrants were deterrable, as well. It's also worth remembering that Saddam Hussein has never used weapons of mass destruction against anyone who could retaliate. He has always used them against people he could be quite confident would not.

So I don't see the big threat there. I don't like the idea of him with nuclear weapons, but I don't consider it a sufficient fear to warrant going to war today. Remember what Bismarck said about preventive war, it's committing suicide for fear of death.


Reason number three. War with Iraq could trigger serious regional instability, including by creating a power vacuum within Iraq itself, by spilling over into the Kurdish regions in Turkey and Iran. One can invent other scenarios for how instability might spread. And this is, it's important to remember, a major reason why the first Bush administration didn't, quote, go to Baghdad, unquote, in 1991. They understood that that actually might cause us more trouble in the long run than leaving Saddam Hussein in place. As much as we dislike the Iraqi regime, taking it apart could leave us worse off.

Reason number four. We will almost certainly win a war against Iraq, but he does have some options. And those options could make it much more expensive than we think. For example, if he does have any weapons of mass destruction that he's able to use, there's no reason for him not to use them if we've invaded his country with the purpose of overthrowing his regime, and probably killing him in the process. It's the one circumstance where it's quite credible for someone to use weapons of mass destruction. The most likely scenario for any government to use such weaponry would be when it's about to fall, when it's about to collapse. And after all, if he's as much of a bloodthirsty tyrant as we have been led to believe, It's hard to believe he would feel restraint at that moment.

Second point is he has some military options even at the conventional level. And I'm not sure what he's planning, but one obvious possibility is simply take the troops that might be loyal to him-- and there's good reason to believe that some of them would be-- put them in Baghdad, and say, no one goes out and no one comes in without a fight.

That gives the United States some interesting options. We can bomb Baghdad and let that be watched worldwide on Al Jazeera and CNN. We can starve out the population and let that get watched worldwide. Or we can go in and wage urban combat, which is very difficult, even for a military as competent as ours is, and of course tends to kill a lot of civilians if they're in the neighborhood, as well.

Would he do it? I don't see why he wouldn't. Now again, we may have some clever strategy we've worked out to defeat that problem. I'm only suggesting here is he does have military options he might be able to use that would complicate our efforts considerably. Oh, and by the way, remember we've sort of sacrificed the element of surprise here.


Which means he's had a lot of time to get ready and consider possibilities. Reason number five. Once we win, we have no exit strategy. Everybody remember how long we were going to be in Bosnia? 12 months. Oh, I'm sorry 18 months. That was six years ago. And Bosnia is a very small country, when you think about it.

Iraq has a history of instability, beginning prior to the revolution there in 1958, then a series of coups and revolts from 1958 to 1970. The Gulf War itself, once we had blown away part of his ruling apparatus, was accompanied by lots of internecine fighting between different groups within Iraq. Civil society in Iraq has been largely decimated by his rule.

And as I think we should be learning in places like Bosnia, Afghanistan, and a number of other places, it's much easier to get into these places than it is to get out, and putting societies back together after a war or after large periods of dictatorship when there are deep divisions within the society, on both ethnic and religious lines, is not easy. Furthermore, this is just not a society we understand particularly well. So the belief that we can blow the regime apart and then design a government that will work or pick the people that are likely to lead it well I think is overly optimistic.

One final point on this. Our presence in this part of the world helped create al-Qaeda in the first place. And do we really want to increase the long-term American military presence in large chunks of the Arab and Islamic world? My view would not if we can help it. And that leads me to reason number six. A war on Iraq will distract us from the more serious challenge of al-Qaeda.

We're already not very popular in this part of the world, as I just mentioned. Some of the regimes there like us, at least somewhat, because we have reasonably good relations with them, but a lot of the people don't, for a variety of complicated reasons. Beating up another Arab state is not going to help. And military force, remember, is a crude instrument. You always hit some things you didn't mean to hit. You always have accidents. You always have some people who don't quite get the word.

And the victims of our mistakes tend not to say, oh, that's all right, we understand. Staying there for a long time won't help. And this rather bellicose enthusiasm for using American power is not going to make the rest of the world particularly happy, either. They may go along because we are the 800-pound gorilla and we're pretty hard to stand up to. We can twist a lot of arms, as you've been seeing for the past several months, but I think it's instructive to compare 1990-91, the first Gulf War, or, for that matter, the war over Kosovo with our situation today.

In 1991, it was relatively easy-- not entirely easy, but relatively easy-- for the United States to assemble a large, diverse coalition, a coalition that, in fact, included a whole bunch of countries you wouldn't have expected to be joining us. Why? Because he had clearly committed aggression, and lots of other countries shared our perception that he had to be dealt with in military terms.

Now, we're having a great deal of difficulty doing it. We're having to twist a lot of arms. We're having to invent a lot of stories. We're having to put a lot of pressure on lots of different countries. And if you look at what happened in Germany, a very loyal ally for 40 or 50 years, a country that backed us up in the war over Kosovo-- the Green Party backed us up over the war in Kosovo-- and suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, German politicians realized they could improve their electoral chances by distancing themselves as much as possible from Washington, DC. That should be a warning sign. Not that there's going to be a giant rift between us and the rest of the world, but the rest of the world is not happy with the way we're behaving. And that's going to undermine our efforts to get sustained and enthusiastic cooperation against international terrorism.

Moreover, I don't know what this war is going to cost, but the estimates have ranged anywhere from 50 billion to 200 billion. I think 50 billion is sort of lower bound. Well, as I look out, there are an awful lot of expensive things we really ought to be doing. Homeland Security, that's not going to be cheap if we actually take it seriously. We're currently spending about $1 billion a year-- only $1 billion a year-- to try and tie up loose nuclear material, one of the sources of fissile material that Saddam Hussein would love to get his hands on, $1 billion a year trying to tie up loose nuclear material in the former Soviet Union, and yet we've got $50 billion to go spend on a war with Iraq? It'll make it very difficult to get adequate funds for that program.

What about stabilizing Afghanistan so that al-Qaeda doesn't come back there? And for that matter, what about helping Pakistan hold itself together? A nuclear armed country where al-Qaeda is, where there may be fundamentalists in the government. If Musharraf falls, do we really know? Do we want to spend $50 to $200 billion knocking off Saddam Hussein if we can't work to try and stabilize Pakistan? Moreover, doing anything requires time and attention, high-level attention, spending political capital. This will be an enormous distraction.

Bottom line here is there is sort of a rule of strategy, you don't start a new fight until you've finished the old one. Now, in fairness, the advocates of war have a very different theory. And I sort of articulated at the beginning, but that one sharp rap, you know, knock in the front door, the regime will collapse quickly, and all the other dominoes within the region start falling. Everything becomes easier if we just do this.

But you know, we've seen this movie time and time again of countries who believe that there's one short, quick, easy victory that will solve all of their problems. If we only defeat the Soviet Union, everything's going to be fine. The Cold War is over, now we're going to have peace. That's not the way it seems to have worked, and I don't think that's the way it would work even if the most optimistic scenarios came true.

So my bottom line here is there is no imminent need to attack Iraq. Much at risk by doing so. I'm not 100% certain, but the costs and risks strike me as significant and serious. War with Iraq, in a sense, is a big, large-scale social science experiment. And people at MIT ought to know that, when you do a genuine experiment, you can't be sure how it's going to turn out.

So what do we do instead? We maintain very vigilant containment of Iraq, which we've done quite successfully for the last 10 years or more. We use the United Nations inspection regime as vigorously as possible, the way Scott outlined. We find as much as we can through that mechanism. And even if we don't find everything, boy, we make it a lot more difficult. Trying to develop and reconstitute a WMD capability when you've got to keep running around and dodging people like him? Much, much harder. Much, much harder.

Fourth element of our strategy, we wait for him to die. Not a young man. Not the world's healthiest lifestyle, I suspect.


And by the way, that's one thing we can predict. Not exactly when, but we know what the upper bound is, I think. And finally, we focus our main effort on defeating al-Qaeda. Remember, we do know that there is an organization out there that wants to attack the United States, has martyrs in it willing to die in order to do it, and it is still out there, still active, and still looking for opportunities. That's the threat we should be focusing on, not Saddam Hussein. Thank you.


OYE: OK, we have some microphones that will be going out into the audience. And as we do the question and answer period, I'd like you to identify yourselves and kind of where you're from as you pose the questions. I also want to note, by the way, that Steve Walt is not 100% sure that the optimistic scenario will not take place. Are you 100% sure that the Red Sox will not win the World Series?


WALT: Yes.

OYE: OK. Just checking and calibrating that instrument. OK, let's see. Are there questions, and who is handling the mics? OK.

AUDIENCE: David Jorgensen from Somerville. This is a question for both of our speakers tonight. When I talk to my friends and colleagues about this looming war, a lot of things that I hear are, yeah, but he's a lunatic, Saddam Hussein. Like this is some exception that we need to take into account. Could you guys talk a little bit of how that might affect how we deal with international law in this particular situation?

OYE: If I could just add to that question, in today's New York Times there was an op-ed by Kenneth Pollack, which took that very succinct question that you are posing and spent a lot more time making the same point. But it's effectively the same question. He's a lunatic, he can't be deterred, therefore dot, dot, dot. Who wants to begin?

WALT: I'll be very brief. Scott has more experience with the man than I do. I mean, I think one can make that argument. It's an irrefutable argument. If you say that someone is sufficiently psychotic that they can't respond at all to any threatened sanctions that you might put on him, any threats of punishment you might put on him, it's sort of an undefeatable argument. But we can look at the historical record, as I alluded to.

There are some pretty vivid personalities that have had access to weapons of mass destruction, and they've used them very cautiously. That is to say, not at all. And one of the reasons for that is you don't have to be very smart or very rational to realize what would happen to you if you used a weapon of mass destruction against anyone who had the capacity to retaliate. And I have an enormous amount of faith in that.

Also, Saddam Hussein has blundered in a number of occasions, but he's also been, I think, reasonably shrewd in remaining in power. How long has he been in power in Iraq now? 32 years? Running a fairly despotic regime with lots of people who probably don't like him very much. That suggests a certain capacity for rational calculation and planning that could ask itself the question, well, gee, if I launched something at, say, the United States or, say, Israel, do I think they'd retaliate, and do they have the capacity, and what would happen to my day if I did that? It doesn't require very much rationality.

The same arguments were used every time we worry about a country acquiring weapons of mass destruction. And you know, knock on wood, so far rationality of a minimal sort is winning out.

OYE: Thanks, Steve.

RITTER: What I'll say is this. For those who try and get in the mindset of Saddam Hussein, don't. We don't know this man. We can't even begin to understand him. And I have trouble with any American, any foreigner, who says that they do know what he's thinking, that they do understand where he's at. To call him a lunatic is irresponsible on the highest order. He's not a lunatic. He may be evil, but he's been around for some time now. The fact that he's still in power today, more than a decade after the United States has embraced a regime removal policy, is a clear indication that he's got something going on upstairs.

I think we do a grave disservice to our own national security by underestimating or oversimplifying any potential adversary. Saddam Hussein is a survivalist. He's all about the survival of Saddam Hussein. And I just simply cannot buy into any scenario that says that if he gained access to weapons of mass destruction that he would preemptively strike us, unless, of course, we had a policy of preemptively striking him first.

But the bottom line is-- and I just second everything that Professor Walt said-- that he's not an irrational person. He has exhibited a track record of rational thinking. He thinks about the world in a way that we don't. He's a tribal leader of a country that's very difficult to rule, and he lives in a very difficult neighborhood. And he has to negotiate those waters. And he has done so in his way, not our way. He's still in power, so he does have a good success rate.

OYE: I should note that the New York Times op-ed that I was referring to made a specific allegation. And the specific allegation that it made was that Saddam Hussein had set up a special SCUD unit with chemical and biological warheads ordered to launch its missiles against Israel in the event of a nuclear attack or a coalition march on Baghdad. Is that report accurate? And if it is accurate, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's irrational. Does this suggest that we ought to or ought not go to war?

RITTER: First of all, the report is accurate. I mean, I vouch for that accuracy because I've seen the documentation, and I led the interrogation of the Iraqi ballistic missile officers who revealed this strategy to us. I believe Mr. Pollack also goes on to say that, because Iraq did not publicly declare this force, that it was not a force of deterrence, but rather a capability to launch a unilateral strike that makes us fear. And I disagree with this.

Saddam Hussein made it clear in April of 1990 that, should Israel strike Iraq's nuclear capability, that he would burn half of Israel with the binary weapon. The binary weapon was mounted on seven ballistic missiles in western Iraq. So I believe Iraq did view these weapons as a weapon of deterrence. And the fact that they had seven chemical armed weapons in western Iraq on launch standby and didn't launch those weapons is a reflection of the rational character of this leader.

OYE: Thanks very much.

AUDIENCE: Hi. Thank you very much, by the way. Extraordinary presentations. We're gonna take just a little bit of time out-- I'm Jonathan King, I'm one of the members of the Technology and Culture Steering Committee, for the 30 years it's been in existence, actually. And I just want to mention, and to make sure you're able to participate, there's a very long tradition at MIT, even though, since World War II, our people have been involved in development of all manner of military technology, we've also, within the world of science and engineering, been in the national leadership of the movement for nuclear disarmament, for peace.

The Scientists Strike for Peace started at MIT from biology faculty. Aron Bernstein, who's sitting over here, and Bernie Feld, after the Manhattan Project, launched the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, and kept it going. Phil Morrison and their colleagues in [INAUDIBLE] were key in the development of the nuclear weapons freeze campaign.

And in the first attack on Iraq, we launched a Scientists and Engineers for Peace. And we mobilized a significant group of scientists and engineers, though we couldn't stop it. And we've decided that it's time to revive that. And so we're reviving Scientists and Engineers for Peace and Human Development. There's many important mobilizations going on. Many of you have signed the University of Minnesota letter that's passing. And there are copies here in the audience, and you can sign it online.

But we think that there's a group of people-- they work in the computer industry, they work in the biotech industry, they're engineers-- and they don't quite have access to the tradition of open social action, but have some understanding about the difference of using science to raise people up, and using science to destroy the society.

So I'm just going to circulate a kind of petition that's going to be the nucleus of a group that will start here at MIT, spread out through Boston, and hopefully across the country. Just three quick themes. Don't be a bystander. Pass it on to your colleagues at Genotech, or Computer Technologies, or Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. And three, call your US congressman, call your US senator, and call your state representative, and call your state senator, and call your local elected officials, and let them know where you stand.

So they're stapled to red--


Just make sure that your name and email address are written carefully. And I'm supposed to pass this to somebody in the front row.

OYE: OK. Could we move to the next question?

AUDIENCE: One last thing. These petitions, if you don't get them back here, Reverend McCreath has graciously said that the Episcopal Chaplain's office-- truly independent, one of the true independent voice at MIT-- will receive the initial documents. Get the website on

OYE: OK. Should we move to this side for the next question?

AUDIENCE: Yes, Abraham Evansdale, I'm a sophomore at MIT. I'd like to ask both of the speakers, do you think that the US could be perhaps persuaded into reconsidering their policy of regime change in Iraq? And if so, how?

WALT: I'm by nature an optimist, so I'd like to think so. And I suspect, you know, if they are unable-- I mean, I think there are a couple of things that-- let me start over. I do not believe that the current American administration is going to abandon that goal at any point, that they will still favor a policy of regime change. If it turns out that they are unable to get the domestic and international stars to line up in a way that allows them to use military force, I believe they will still attempt to promote regime change there.

And it's worth remembering, this policy is not unique to the Bush administration. This has been our policy for quite some time. The first Bush administration had it, and it was the policy of the Clinton administration, as well. And that's the part that's not a partisan issue. But I don't think the Bush administration is going to give it up. I think they're going to continue to press it.

They may decide not to go to war at this point if they can't get quite the right set of political conditions, or if there's a sufficient degree of domestic political reservation. If it turns out the Democratic leadership continues to grow some backbone, which I've seen signs of in the last couple of days, it's possible that it'll slow off. But I wouldn't bet, you know, much on it.

RITTER: I would say, first of all, I don't want the Bush administration to adopt a policy opposed to regime change. I want regime change in Iraq. It's just the methodologies that need to be re-examined. You see, regime change doesn't have to come at the point of a bayonet or from a bomb from above.

The problem with the way the Bush administration has formulated regime change is that they've focused on an individual named Saddam Hussein, which is just a fantastic concept since Iraq is a nation of 23, 24 million people. To try and quantify that nation, as diverse as it is, in the personage of one man, Saddam Hussein.

Regime change has to be about changing the internal dynamic of Iraq so that it doesn't produce a leader like Saddam Hussein. And that's not going to happen by trying to impose American-style Western liberal democracy on Iraq. It's only going to happen when Iraq undergoes the kind of internal changes where it will evolve as a nation state to the point where it doesn't have someone like Saddam.

And the best way to achieve regime change is to lift economic sanctions against Iraq and return control of the Iraqi economy to the Iraqi government so that they can seek to do things such as privatize industry, which the Ba'ath party has said must happen if the economy is to be reconstituted. When you privatize industry, something amazing happens. Not only do Saddam Hussein's cronies get rich-- and we know that will happen-- but you will develop a viable middle class.

And I'm not an MIT student, I'm just a simple Marine, but I do know, in studying the history of democracies, one of the basic building blocks in democracies is the existence of a viable middle class. So I want a policy of regime change, I just oppose the tactics.

OYE: Let's move to this side for the next question.

AUDIENCE: Hi, my name's Charlie Welch, and my question is basically there are weapons of mass destruction in the area being used right now. They're the sanctions. They're killing 5,000 people a month. That may be an old figure and it may not be absolutely precise, but it's young, old people in Iraq are dying because we are not allowing the supplies for the water conditioning systems and all the other things that keep a basic society running. And the question is, what are we going to do about it as American citizens?

WALT: Here I think I disagree, in part. I think we set up, along with our partners in the United Nations, mechanisms by which Iraq could, in fact, get much more of what it needed to keep the economy running in a way to avoid the human cost of the sanctions. And here, I think the blame does rest with Saddam Hussein, that he has sufficiently perverted, I guess, the oil for food program and others and kept much of that traffic for his own purposes. I want to hold him responsible for those deaths, as well, not put all the blame on the outside world.

RITTER: I couldn't agree more, in this way. First of all, I come back to the concept, I'm a pretty simple person. I view this like a beat cop would view it. What happens when you have a situation where, like in sanctions, all these people are dying? And there's a lot of people, whatever the figures are. Some figures say 300,000, some say 1.5 million. Bottom line is a lot of people have died in Iraq as a direct result of economic sanctions.

Who's to blame? Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein holds the key to solving this problem. But put on my beat cop hat, you know, if-- pick two of you guys, you go off and ride around Cambridge, and you stop off at a bank, somebody is at the wheel of the car, the other one goes into the bank, robs the bank, pops the teller, pops the guard, kills them both, gets back in the car, and drives off, who pulled the trigger? The guy who killed him. Who's accountable for murder? Both people.

We have a situation here where Saddam Hussein is the trigger-man. He's killing the people of Iraq. But you know who else is accountable under law for the deaths of these people? We, the people of the United States of America. Why? Because we have imposed a policy of economic sanctions that we know kill people. We know it kills people, and we know that it doesn't affect Saddam Hussein. And we have said these sanctions will continue regardless of the mechanism for lifting sanctions.

So we are accountable under law, as well. So I hold my government, I hold you-- because remember, we are a government of the people, by the people, for the people-- we're the government-- you're the murderers, as well. I'm the murderer. Every one of us who calls ourselves an American citizen is a murderer, and we share the guilt for the death of the Iraqi people.

So what do we do to solve this problem? We apply international law, which says get the inspectors back to work in Iraq, complete the task of disarmament, and lift the economic sanctions. But we also have to understand that economic sanctions, we've got a problem. We imposed sanctions on Iraq for the purpose of creating suffering so that we can pressure Saddam to do something we want. Then we recognize afterwards that the suffering is happening, but Saddam's not changing.

So what do we do? We put oil for food resolution on to alleviate the suffering. My god, what a stupid way to do business. Have sanctions that cause suffering, and other resolutions to alleviate suffering. Why not just get rid of the sanctions all together? We don't need sanctions to disarm Iraq. It's a bad policy, and it should be done away with as soon as possible.


OYE: A point of clarification on this. The sanctions imposed against Iraq have a number of components. One part consist of restrictions or restraints on importation of equipment of genuine military significance. Another component, until recently, were prohibitions or restrictions through refusal to grant licenses for equipment that isn't of military significance. Chlorination equipment, for example, to purify the water supply.

Question that I have really takes us back to sanctions, and to your views on them. When you say that you're opposed to sanctions in this larger sense, are you opposing let's call them legitimate sanctions that limit access to military capabilities, or are we talking about perhaps throwing away those elements of a sanctions regime that are, in fact, killing innocent people?

Now, there has been a modification or adjustment in the regime in ways-- the sanctions regime, not the Iraqi regime-- that may have diminished somewhat the effects of sanctions on the innocents. What's your read on the change in sanctions policy announced a couple months ago?

RITTER: Well first of all, let me address it this way. My big concern basically revolves around the sale of oil and the income generated from the sale of oil and the Iraqi government's ability to take that income and go out and procure the material needed to run a modern society. And right now, Iraq doesn't have that capa-- now, there's some sanctions in place that give Iraq the ability to get certain commodities in, but we have the 661 committee, which America sits on, we hold up a lot of contracts.

Smart sanctions are in place today. Smart sanctions are designed, allegedly, to help the Iraqi people get more of what they need. But we should understand the politics of smart sanctions. Smart sanctions are really nothing more than a diplomatic smokescreen designed to get the humanitarian monkey off America's back so we could focus on going to war against Iraq without a bunch of you well wishers and tree huggers getting in the way.

So we say we have smart sanctions, we're helping the Iraqi people, get away, we're going to go to war. The fact is, you know what the best sanctions are for Iraq? The best sanctions are resolution 715, which is the ongoing monitoring verification regime. There's a huge annex at the end of it which restricts technologies related to weapons of mass destruction.

The best sanctions are resolution 1051, which, again, has an annex on controlled material. It governs how Iraq can export and import material of a sensitive nature, a thick annex. The beauty of these two is that both are the law. The Security Council has passed these, and Iraq has accepted them, and they were successfully implemented until inspectors were kicked out.

So again, we don't need economic sanctions. We don't need to continue punishing the people of Iraq. We can actually turn control of Iraq's economy back to the Iraqi government because we have a sanctions regime in place called ongoing monitoring and verification that will prevent Iraq from acquiring the technology needed for weapons of mass destruction and control that technology which could be converted for weapons of mass destruction through the process of weapons inspections.

WALT: I'd just second that, and note the distinction here, though. It's the distinction between sanctions that are designed to deny a capability-- for example, the United States had various trade restrictions on the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War designed to prevent them from getting advanced computers and a variety of things that we thought were of possible military use. That's very different than sanctions imposed for the explicit purpose of coercing or compelling a government into altering its policies. We want to draw a sharp distinction there, which is what Scott just did.

OYE: This side, yes.

AUDIENCE: My name is John Wright.


I'm sorry about that. My name is Taylor Strickling. I'm a senior in political science here at MIT. This is for both the speakers. I happen to agree that I feel that our standard system of deterrence would be quite effective against Saddam Hussein. And I also believe it's quite suspect that these allegations of links between, or cooperation between, the Iraqi regime and al-Qaeda, whether or not they exist.

My question, then, is, since that seems to be the most compelling reason to me for going ahead with any sort of preemptive action, what do you see as the probability that Saddam Hussein might decide to pursue such a transfer of arms of weapons of mass destruction to groups such as al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups that might, through other means, decide to use them, even if we can't deter him directly?

WALT: That's a great question because it's an important concern that's often used to justify it. I don't think it's very worrisome. Again, you can never be sure what someone will do, but first thing to recognize is bin Laden and al-Qaeda have a very, very different agenda than Saddam Hussein has. Saddam Hussein is a secular individual, not a religious leader at all. Osama bin Laden has declared war on secular regimes throughout the Middle East, in addition to us.

So they don't have any real ideological agreement. And what occasionally worries me is that we may, in fact, be providing them with a reason for collaborating that never existed before. After all, they're both on our hit list. What do you expect them to do? You expect them to join forces if they can help each other out.

But just a couple of other reasons. If Saddam Hussein has worked incredibly hard over a 20-year period to get a hold of a handful-- and that's all we're talking about, a handful-- of weapons of mass destruction, first thing he does with them is to hand them off to somebody else who might use them in a way he can't control, and furthermore where he knows the fingerprints might come back to him.

We're not a very nice country. And if someone ever did, in fact, detonate a weapon of mass destruction on American soil, I don't think we would be particularly restrained about responding. And I think that's known. So if you're Saddam Hussein, do I really want to take this very rare thing I've got, hand it off to someone I don't like, whose agenda is entirely different than mine, in the hopes that they'll use it at a time and a place that I'll approve of, and yet no one will ever suspect I might have done it. You know, maybe, but I don't think it's very likely.

OYE: The Red Sox will be winning the World Series.


RITTER: Not if the Yankees can help it.

WALT: No, the key is the Red Sox are going to play the Cubs in the World Series, and both teams will lose.


RITTER: I have to second everything that Professor Walt just said, and I'll throw in my own experiences on this. Through my work as an inspector, I had the opportunity to basically gain access to almost every sensitive site in Iraq, including their intelligence services. In particular, one organization called M21, director at M21, which is the special operations director. That's a euphemism for political assassination and terror. And I am probably the only American who has seen these documents, the documents of assassination, the documents of terror, where they-- we talk about Saddam being a state sponsor of terror, and here's the proof.

Here's Iraq, who has an organization that has plans for going into Iran and blowing things up. They have plans for going into Kurdistan and blowing things up. They have plans to go into Syria and blow things up, to go into Turkey and blow things up. They have plans of going around the world and killing opponents of Saddam Hussein.

So on the one hand, we know that he has this kind of capability to export terror. And we should always be alert to that fact. The other thing that this M21 did is had plans to go in and destroy Islamic fundamentalists in Iraq and elsewhere. And I want to highlight that point because Osama bin Laden is an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist who has nothing in common with Iraq. In fact, Iraq is at war with Islamic fundamentalism.

Another document I saw is an Iraqi law for the security services that says it's the automatic death penalty for anybody proselytizing in the name of Wahhabism inside Iraq, Wahhabism of course being the sect of Islam that is espoused by Osama bin Laden. So my experience with Iraq is not to minimize the potential for terror-- I understand the real potential for terror-- but to say that the likelihood of Saddam Hussein cooperating with a terror organization like al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden is minimal to none.

Now, you mentioned the possibility, though, of Iraq using weapons of mass destruction in terrorist outlet. And what I will tell you is this. As long as Saddam Hussein has the potential of life, or his successors have potential of life, you don't need to worry about that, for the exact reasons that Professor Walt just said. However, if we push him to the wall, if we say you're a dead man no matter what, this is the guy who issued orders during the Gulf War that, if he was killed, they will automatically launch seven ballistic missiles tipped with chemical weapons against Israel. Automatically. They will go down in flames.

If we continue to push this policy of regime removal, ladies and gentlemen, I think I told you when I spoke that Iraq could rapidly reconstitute aspects of their weapons of mass destruction programs. I don't believe they're doing so now because to open the door to inspectors means you open the door to discovery. And they know how good we were, and they know, if they were doing something, we'd find trace element.

But if you shut the door on inspections and you shut the door on any resolution of this problem that allows Saddam Hussein to stay in power, and you say we're coming after you, and if you predict it like we have-- I mean, this isn't a secret attack. We've actually laid out the timeline. He knows January the bombing is going to start. If I were Saddam Hussein, I would then reconstitute whatever I could. And Saddam Hussein has spent a lot of time the last past months developing links with Palestinians in Palestine and elsewhere.

And I guarantee you this. If Saddam Hussein goes down, he's going to go down taking down as many people as possible, and he will use terrorists equipped with whatever he can get to them, including chemical and biological weapons. So it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, in a way. And I would caution against that, because right now, I don't believe he has it. But if we push his back to the wall, I do believe the scenario you just laid out is going to become reality.

OYE: Let's move back to this side of the room.

AUDIENCE: Oh, I have the microphone here.


AUDIENCE: My name is Jack Diefendorf. I'm from Somerville. And first, just wanted to thank both speakers and say I'm grateful for this forum. My question, Scott, is for you. I think, if I have this right, I saw on CNN a couple weeks ago that you had addressed a legislative assembly in Iraq, and had mentioned the 95% statistic. It seems to me that sanity, if not constitutional principle, would say that our own Congress would want to hear the same information before declaring war on Saddam Hussein.

So my question is twofold. The first is what did you hope to accomplish by addressing a body in Iraq? And secondly, have you been given the opportunity to address our Congress? And if not, why not?

RITTER: I'll reverse that, and by saying that I've actually been ignored by our Congress on this issue. I've been pushing for hearings for some time now. And when the hearings came forward, you know, it's not that-- again, it's not about me. The first thing you have to understand, this isn't about me or me promoting a personal agenda. This is about generating a debate and a discussion and getting a point of view out there.

And I was stiffed by Congress. I was stiffed by the Senate, and I continue to be so. And I think the reason why is that what I bring to the table is very uncomfortable for them to consider since they have a foregone conclusion of going to war, that that seems to be the policy they want to support, a policy of regime removal. Remember, it's the United States Congress, not the Bush administration, which is passed public law called Iraqi Liberation Act. And the people who signed that act are still in Congress today. So they don't want to hear from someone who's going to argue against that.

And it's because the Congress did this, because there wasn't a way of getting this dissenting point of view to the American public to generate the kind of debate that I think we all agree is necessary if we're going to move forward on this as a nation, that I decided there's a need for dramatic intervention. And the dramatic intervention wasn't to go make an appeal to a democratic institution in Iraq, but rather to seize the bully pulpit at a critical time in American history.

September 8th was picked on purpose because George Bush was speaking with Tony Blair in Crawford, Texas, where they were bringing together their war plans. And that afternoon, George Bush was going to flood the American airwaves with the talking heads-- the national security advisor, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, et cetera-- who were going to make the case for war to the American people. Then three days later, we'd have the horrible one-year anniversary of September 11th, which could then be exploited by the politics of fear and ignorance, followed up by George Bush's presentation on September 12th to the United Nations, in which we suddenly propel ourselves into war. And I felt there was a need to preemptively attack this. And I chose to do so--


--and I chose to do so by going to Baghdad and addressing the Iraqi national assembly, not because they're democratic and they're going to do anything, but because that allowed you to see me on CNN. That got every media outlet in America suddenly wanting to talk to me. And again, it's not about me. But suddenly, I'm there on camera able to inject a dissenting point of view that cannot be ignored. So that's why I went to Baghdad. I think it was a good job. And you know, Congress has to take into account what's going on.


OYE: A quick follow-up on that. Scott, the press reports on what you were saying in Baghdad were not entirely accurate. I just want to note--

RITTER: Surprise.

OYE: --now, I just want to note that, when Amy asked me to moderate the panel, I actually was planning to ask a series of tough questions on why you believe that Iraq did not have biological, chemical capabilities at this time after four years, after the lag. And the answer is that that wasn't what you said. But again, there has been a significant amount of distorting in terms of the messages that you've been delivering.

On this side now.

AUDIENCE: I think Scott put his finger-- do I need it?

Yes, there's people--

OK. I think Scott put his finger on it, when he said that we have a responsibility. My name is John Brightly. I'm an anti-Vietnam War protester. And look what's happened between. What we have now will repeat. We have the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution before the Congress, and we're probably going to war.

Let's look at the source of the problem-- the American people don't understand US complicity with Saddam. The UN doesn't understand that we helped Saddam when he attacked Iran. Why did we help him? Well, because we didn't like Iran. Well, why didn't Iran like us? Because we had overthrown their government and installed the Shah.

I think the problem we have to deal with is United States foreign policy. I think we have to start thinking long-term. I think we should sign the petitions, we should talk about getting regime change in Washington in 2004.

--of the speakers, but what I'd really like to know is, as an audience, are we all prepared right now to come back again as a group and start discussing what we're going to do, how we're going to spread the word about US complicity, the problems with US foreign policy. If we don't do that, I think, if I had the opportunity to come back in another 30 years, we'd just be in another war. This war seems imminent. Are we going to deal with it, but also think about the very next one?


WALT: I suspect if the person who just spoke and I had a sort of two-hour discussion on the history of American foreign policy, we would not agree on everything, but we'd probably agree on some things. And I guess that my reaction-- it's not really an answer, but my reaction is I'm not sure how constructive it is to tackle the entire spectrum of things the United States is doing in the world, because, again, we wouldn't retain much unity by the time we'd gotten to various issues.

I do think, on this particular issue, this is one that lots of Americans who might disagree on a variety of elements in American foreign or domestic policy can unite around, that a war with Iraq is not in our national interest. And we can save for the next day whether we agree about globalization or our role in Latin America or our policies towards Russia or what we're doing with Taiwan or whatever.

And I guess the instructive example is I think people who want to influence American foreign policy tend to pick a single issue or two, and then pound it over and over and over and over again. I mean, we are a democratic society, and in democratic societies interest groups get a lot of what they want by focusing on particular issues, and then never letting up on those issues. Most people don't care about their particular issue. They get heard, and everyone else gets ignored.

On this particular issue, we ought to try and have as many people in our group, and try and make it as active as possible. And you know, if we can have some success here, then we may be able to move on to the next item on the agenda. So I guess I don't disagree with you, but I don't want us to get too distracted because, while we're busy organizing to revolutionize American foreign policy, we'll also be sending the troops in.

RITTER: I couldn't-- you're so right.

WALT: We're going to fight about something later.

RITTER: We're going to figure something to fight about. I think the Red Sox is a good starting point. But the fact is, you know, I'm a simple military man, and it's focus of effort, focus of effort. I mean, you want to go to war, you want to win a fight, focus, focus, focus. What are we talking about? Iraq. Focus on Iraq. Focus it.

And here's the other thing I want to throw out there. Yeah, regime change, constitutionally, OK? Let's remember the Constitution. Let's have fair elections. But let's understand how we're going to achieve that. Pardon?

WALT: I think he said in Florida.

RITTER: Anyway, but what I'm getting at is the fact is we have a vehicle for stopping this war with Iraq, and it's called the Constitution of the United States of America. It's called empowering the people. And I see a lot of desire. I mean, I've spoken around the country, and I see a lot of desire for peace. I see an awful lot of desire for peace. I see a lot of desire for people to do the right thing.

You know what desire gets you? Nothing. How much will do you have? Where's the will? Where's the will for peace? What are you going to do when you leave here tonight? Where's the willpower? You've got to start challenging yourself, ladies and gentlemen, because if you don't show the will that reflects the desire, we're going to war. Bottom line.


OYE: We'll have one last question.


I'm Juliette Barden from Scituate, Massachusetts. You both stated very clearly that the missing logic that's been presented for our attacking Iraq. But would you please share your personal thoughts about why Washington is really pressing so hard?

WALT: Thank you.


RITTER: I'll lead off on this because I think this is the perfect way for somebody with Professor Walt's experience to wrap this up, and I'm not the one to do it. My feeling is that this is about ideology, plain and simple. This is about neoconservatives who have sat in frustration through eight years of the Clinton administration, many of whom rejected what the first President Bush was doing, many of whom rejected the final four years of the Reagan administration, in terms of multilateralist approach to solving the world's problems.

These are people who have rejected the very notion of arms control, who reject the concept of binding international treaties, who view the United States as being solely empowered to do whatever it wants around the world to take advantage of our unmatched political and military power, economic power. And prior to September 11th, this was not a philosophy that was going to be endorsed by the American public because it rejects everything American, I believe. It's not only a flagrant violation of international law, a frontal assault on the Constitution, but it's an insult to what we stand for as a people.

But after September 11th, we were pretty much cowed into submission by the politics of fear and ignorance. And this is where the neoconservatives pounced. And they've been promoting this policy aggressively. They've now articulated it in a document, and Iraq is the case study. I believe that war with Iraq is about implementing American unilateralist policy of domination as articulated by the document.

And the reason why they're pushing for it so quickly is that they don't want the American public to do what we're doing here today-- discuss this issue, come to grips with the horrific reality of what this document stands for, and thereby inject the power of American democracy to stop it. The rush for war is about pulling a quick one on the American people.


WALT: I agree with most of that. I want to add a little bit to it. I think that-- and I could develop a strategic logic for this, but one way of thinking through this is that the United States likes to be able to act in the international system with a sense of impunity. We have a very high standard we now set for our own freedom of action, and we don't like the idea, given that we're in this unusual position of, as I put it, the 800-pound gorilla, we don't like the idea of anybody being able to thwart something we might want to try at some point down the road.

So the concern, remember, is not really that Saddam Hussein will do something that we can't stop, because we probably can, it's that he might be able to stop us from doing something we might like to try. Overthrowing him is a lot more dangerous once he does have a significant weapons of mass destruction capabilities. That's, I think, one element. And it sort of echoes what Scott said.

And I think there's another part. And this is going to be much more controversial. And I want to be very clear about what I'm saying here. I think this has also been driven very heavily by a small group of people, mostly inside the beltway-- some of them in the administration, some of them not-- they are neoconservatives-- and I think the other part of the agenda, not inconsistent with this, is the belief that Iraq is fundamentally a threat to Israel, and that that is a large part of what inspires them.

Some of these people are Jewish Americans, some of them are not. This is not something that is a Jewish conspiracy or anything like that. But there are neoconservatives outside and inside the administration, some of them very closely linked to the Sharon government, who have worked in collaboration with the Sharon government in a variety of ways in the past. And they have, I think, been the principal advocates of a war against Iraq, going long before, going back to before the Gulf War, in fact before the invasion of Kuwait, who believed that Iraq's acquisition of weapons of mass destruction was fundamentally a threat to Israel, and therefore had to be dealt with. And this, again, before the invasion of Kuwait, way back 10 or 12 years ago.

So I think there's another dimension to this, which never gets talked about openly. And it has to do with the belief that this is something that ought to be done to enhance the security of Israel. Now, I think Israel has a right to exist, and a right to exist and be very, very secure. I actually believe Israel's policies are not making Israel more secure. They are not in Israel's overall national interests.


Reasonable people can disagree about this. This is not about Israeli identity, Israel's right to exist. But it's not a war I want to fight on behalf of another country. This is something the United States should do if it's in our interest to do it, not whether it's in the interest of anyone else. And I think that's the other dimension to this that is part of what's been pushing us closer to the brink. Not the whole thing, by any means, but part of it, as well.

OYE: Our speakers have done an extraordinary job this evening.


OYE: Our speakers have done an extraordinary job this evening. I think that Steve has prepared himself quite nicely for his next stint as a weapons inspector in Iraq.


And that Scott will make a very fine academic dean at Harvard University.